The Loyalty Poem
by Stuart DiNenno
Loyalty to race,
is virtue not vice,
others say different,
but take my advice;
For if to our people,
we remain true,
and national fidelity,
is what we pursue;
Only then can we be,
united and strong,
to lift up the right,
and drive out the wrong;
But those who are Christians,
of the nominal kind,
when love for your race,
in you they do find;
And see that you are,
partial to kin,
but a lover of aliens,
you’ve never been;
Will certainly say,
“He’s going to hell,”
for it pleases their master,
and that very well;
Their master it is,
whom Judas did heed,
when with a kiss,
the mob he did lead;
To murder the One,
whom they should’ve adored,
the King of kings,
and Lord of lords;
So when they mock,
revile, and hate,
return not the favor,
but remember their fate;
For them to the fire,
they will be sent,
unless of their evil,
they do repent;
Weeping, wailing,
and gnashing of teeth,
to pay the price,
for their feigned belief;
But the ones in whom,
much loyalty is found,
may certainly know,
they are heaven bound;
If in the Christ,
they place their trust,
whom after strange flesh,
they will not lust;
And instead endeavor,
to keep themselves pure;
to they who do thus,
salvation is sure.
… Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. Genesis 6:9
I’m not sure that “perfect in his generations” refers to his lineage.