"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

The Parables of Jesus Christ in Chronological Order

by David Brown
From the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary (1871)

The Two Debtors[Capernaum]Lu 7:40-43
The Strong Man ArmedGalileeMt 12:29; Mr 3:27; Lu 11:21-22
The Unclean SpiritGalileeMt 12:43-45; Lu 11:24-26
The SowerSeashore of GalileeMt 13:3-9, 18-23; Mr 4:3-9, 14-20; Lu 8:5-8, 11-15
The Tares and WheatSeashore of GalileeMt 13:24-30; 36-43
The Mustard SeedSeashore of GalileeMt 13:31-32
The Seed Growing SecretlySeashore of GalileeMr 4:26-29
The LeavenSeashore of GalileeMt 13:33; Lu 13:20-21
The Hidden TreasureSeashore of GalileeMt 13:44
The Pearl of Great PriceSeashore of GalileeMt 13:45-46
The Draw NetSeashore of GalileeMt 13:47-50
The Unmerciful ServantCapernaumMt 18:21-35
The Good SamaritanNear JerusalemLu 10:29-37
The Friend at MidnightNear JerusalemLu 11:5-8
The Rich FoolGalileeLu 12:16-21
The Barren Fig TreeGalileeLu 13:6-9
The Great SupperPereaLu 14:15-24
The Lost SheepPereaMt 18:12-14; Lu 15:3-7
The Lost Piece of MoneyPereaLu 15:8-10
The Prodigal SonPereaLu 15:11-32
The Good ShepherdJerusalemJoh 10:1-18
The Unjust StewardPereaLu 16:1-8
The Rich Man and LazarusPereaLu 16:19-31
The Profitable ServantsPereaLu 17:7-10
The Importunate WidowPereaLu 18:1-8
The Pharisees and PublicansPereaLu 18:9-14
The Laborers in the VineyardPereaMt 20:1-16
The PoundsJerichoLu 19:11-27
The Two SonsJerusalemMt 21:28-32
The Wicked HusbandmenJerusalemMt 21:33-44; Mr 12:1-12; Lu 20:9-18
The Marriage of the King’s SonJerusalemMt 22:1-14
The Ten VirginsMount of OlivesMt 25:1-13
The TalentsMount of OlivesMt 25:14-30


2 thoughts on “”

  1. Glad to hear that you find the document useful.

    It seems to me that the words of Christ in Matthew 25:31-46 are more of a prophecy than a parable.


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