Matthew Henry on the Two Interpretations of
Romans 11 Regarding the Conversion of the Jews
Matthew Henry (1662-1714) on the two interpretations held by Reformed Christians regarding the conversion of the Jews spoken of in Romans 11.
“But the question is concerning the accomplishment of all this.
[1.] Some think it is done already, when before, and in, and after, the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, multitudes of the Jews were convinced of their infidelity, and turned Christians; so many that, considering how many millions of them were cut off in the destruction, we may reasonably conclude that of those who survived the greater part were Christians, and embodied in the Christian church, and it was a very inconsiderable number that persisted obstinately. For many ages Judea had, as other Christian provinces, their ministers and churches, and a face of religion. And most of this work, they suppose, was done towards the close of the ministry of the apostles, when the Gentiles had generally come in.
[2.] Others think that it is yet to have its accomplishment towards the end of the world — that those Jews which yet wonderfully remain distinct from the rest of the nations by their names, customs, and religion, and are very numerous, especially in the Levant parts, shall, by the working of the Spirit with the word, be convinced of their sin, and brought generally to embrace the Christian faith, and to join in with the Christian churches, which will contribute much to their strength and beauty. Alas! Who shall live when God doeth this?”
— Matthew Henry, commentary on Romans 11:1-32