"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

A Harmony of the Gospels

From the Illustrated New Testament (1878)
by John S. C. Abbott and Jacob Abbott

1Preface of St. Luke.Lu 1:1-4
2Preface of St. John.Joh 1:1-13
3Elizabeth's conception.Lu 1:5-25
4Salutation of Mary.Lu 1:26-38
5Visit of Mary to Elizabeth.Lu 1:39-56
6Birth of John the Baptist.Lu 1:57-59
7An Angel appears to Joseph.Mt 1:18-25
8Birth of Jesus.Lu 2:1-7
9Genealogy of Jesus.Mt 1:1-17Lu 3:28-38
10Appearance of an angel to the shepherds; their visit to Jesus.Lu 2:8-20
11Circumcision of Jesus.Mt 1:25Lu 2:2-21
12Jesus presented in the temple.Lu 2:22-38
13The Magi. Flight of Jesus into Egypt. Cruelty of Herod.
Return of Jesus from Egypt.
Mt 2:1-23
14Jesus goes to the Passover at twelve years of age.Lu 2:40-52
15John the Baptist and his ministry.Lu 1:80
16Jesus is baptized.Mt 3:13-17Mr 1:9-11Lu 3:21-28
17Jesus' temptation.Mt 4:1-11Mr 1:12- 13Lu 4:1-18
18John the Baptist's testimony to Jesus; its effects.Joh 1:19-51
19Marriage feast at Cana of Galilee.Joh 2:1-12
20Jesus goes to Jerusalem, at the Passover; he casts the traders
out of the temple.
Joh 2:13-25
21Jesus' discourse with Nicodemus.Joh 3:1-21
22Jesus tarries and baptizes in Judea. The superior dignity
of Jesus asserted by John the Baptist.
Joh 3:22-36
23Jesus retires to Galilee after John's imprisonment. He passes through Samaria and makes disciples.Mt 4:12Mr 1:14Joh 4:1-42
24The right of public ministry exercised by Jesus in Galilee. In Cana he
heals the son of an officer of King Herod, who lay sick at Capernaum.
Joh 4:43-54
25Jesus goes to Nazareth; preserves his life by a miracle; fixes his
dwelling at Capernaum.
Lu 4:15-31
26Call of Simon and Andrew, also of James and John, with the miracle
which preceded it.
Lu 5:1-11
27Jesus heals a demoniac in the synagogue at Capernaum.Mr 1:21- 28Lu 4:31-37
28Peter's wife's mother and others are healed. Attended by some of his
disciples Jesus teaches and works miracles in Galilee.
Mt 8:14-25Mr 1:29- 39Lu 4:38-44
29Jesus heals a leper.Mt 8:2-4Mr 1:40- 45Lu 5:12-16
30Jesus heals a paralytic.Mr 2:1-12Lu 5:17-26
31Call of MatthewMr 2:13- 14
32Healing of an infirm man at Bethesda, in Jerusalem.Joh 5:1-16
33Jesus vindicates his disciples for plucking ears of corn on the Sabbath.Mt 12:1-8Mr 2:23- 28Lu 6:1-5
34Jesus heals a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath, and
withdraws himself from the Pharisees and heals many.
Mt 12:9-21Mr 3:1-12Lu 6:6-11
35Jesus retires to a mountain, and calling his disciples to him, chooses
twelve; he is followed by a great multitude, and heals many.
Mr 3:13- 19Lu 6:12-19
36The Sermon on the Mount.Mt 5:1-7:29Lu 6:20-49
37The centurion's servant healed.Mt 8:5-13Lu 7:1-10
38The widow's son is raised from the dead, at Nain.Lu 7:11-17
39Jesus' answer to the disciples sent by John the Baptist.Mt 11:2-19Lu 7:18-35
40Jesus' reflections in consequence of his appeal to his mighty works.Mt 11:20-30
41A woman who had been a sinner is publicly reassured by Jesus
sitting at meat with a Pharisee.
Lu 7:36-50
42During Jesus' second circuit through Galilee he heals a demoniac,
and the scribes and Pharisees blaspheme the Holy Spirit.
Mt 9:35Mr 6:6Lu 8:1-3
43Jesus reproves the scribes and Pharisees for seeking a sign.Mt 12:38-45Lu 11:16, 24-36
44Who are truly blessed.Lu 11:27- 28
45Jesus regards his true disciples as his nearest relations.Mt 12:46-50Mr 3:31- 35Lu 8:19-21
46Jesus, sitting at meat with a Pharisee, denounces woes
against the Pharisees, scribes, and teachers of the law.
Lu 11:37- 54
47Jesus instructs his disciples and the people.Lu 12:1-59
48The calamities of certain Galileans a warning to the Jews.Lu 13:1-9
49Parables. The reason why he used them. One explained.Mt 13:1-52Mr 4:1-34
50Jesus gives commandment to cross the lake. Incidents on the way.
A tempest is stilled.
Mt 8:18-27Mr 4:35- 41Lu 8:22-25
51Two demoniacs of Gadara healed.Mt 8:28-34Mr 5:1-20Lu 8:26-39
52Levi's feast. Jesus' consequent discourse. The raising of Jairus'
Mt 9:1,10-25Mr 5:21Lu 8:40
53Jesus heals two blind men.Mt 9:27-31
54Jesus casts out a dumb Spirit. The Pharisees again blaspheme.Mt 9:32-34
55Jesus revisits Nazareth, and is again rejected there.Mt 13:54-58Mr 6:1-8
56The occasion of sending forth the twelve apostles to preach and
work miracles.
Mt 9:36-38
57The twelve are instructed and sent forth.Mt 10:1,5-42Mr 6:7-11Lu 9:1-5
58Jesus continues his tour through Galilee.Mt 11:1
59The twelve preach repentance and work miracles everywhere.Mr 6:12- 13Lu 9:6
60The death of John the Baptist.Mt 14:6-12Mr 6:21- 29
61Herod hears of Jesus' fame, and desires to see him.Mt 14:1-2Mr 6:14- 16Lu 9:7-9
62Return of the twelve.Mr 6:30- 31Lu 9:10
63Five thousand are fed on five loaves and two fishes.Mt 14:13-21Mr 6:32- 44Lu 9:10-17Joh 6:1-14
64Jesus walks on the sea.Mt 14:22-36Mr 6:45- 56
65Jesus discourses with the multitude in Capernaum, in the synagogue
of that city, and with his disciples. Peter's confession.
Joh 6:22-71; 7:1
66Jesus' discourse with the Pharisees and scribes, and with his
disciples, about eating with unwashen hands.
Mt 15:1-20Mr 7:1-23
67Jesus heals the daughter of a Syro-phoenician woman.Mt 15:21-28Mr 7:24- 30
68Jesus restores to a person hearing and speech.Mt 15:29-31Mr 7:31- 37
69Jesus feeds more than four thousand with seven loaves and a few
small fishes.
Mt 15:32-39Mr 8:1-10
70The Pharisees and Sadducees again ask a sign.Mt 16:1-4Mr 8:11- 12
71The disciples are cautioned against the leaven of the Pharisees, of
the Sadducees, and of Herod.
Mt 16:4-12Mr 8:13- 21
72Jesus restores a blind man to sight near Bethsaida.Mr 8:22- 26
73Peter repeats his confession that Jesus was the Messiah.Mt 16:13-20Mr 8:27- 30Lu 9:18-21
74Jesus plainly foretells his sufferings and resurrection; rebukes Peter;
exhorts all to self-denial.
Mt 16:21-28Mr 8:31- 38Lu 9:22-27
75Jesus' transfiguration; his discourse with the three disciples as they
were descending from the mountain.
Mt 17:1-13Mr 9:2-13Lu 9:28-36
76Jesus casts out a dumb and deaf spirit.Mt 17:14-21Mr 9:14- 29Lu 9:37-43
77Jesus again foretells his suffering and resurrection.Mt 17:22-23Mr 9:30- 32Lu 9:43-45
78Jesus works a miracle to pay the tribute money.Mt 17:24-27Mr 9:33
79The disciples contend who should be the greatest. Jesus' conduct and
discourse on that occasion.
Mt 18:1-35Mr 9:33-50
80Seventy disciples are instructed and sent out.Lu 10:1-16
81Jesus goes to Jerusalem at the feast of tabernacles. His conduct and
discourses during the feast.
Joh 7:2-53; 8:1
82A woman taken in adultery is brought before Jesus.Joh 8:2-11
83Jesus discourses with the scribes and Pharisees, with those who
believed in him, and with the unbelieving Jews.
Joh 8:12-59
84Jesus restores sight to one blind from his birth. The consequence
of this miracle.
Joh 9:1-41,10:1-21
85Return of the seventy.Lu 10:17- 24
86Jesus instructs a teacher of the law how to attain eternal life.Lu 10:25- 37
87The disciples are again taught how to pray.Lu 11:1-13
88Jesus restores a woman who had been bowed down for eighteen years.Lu 13:10- 21
89Jesus replies to the question, Are there few that be saved?Lu 13:22- 35
90The transactions when our Lord ate bread with a chief Pharisee on
the Sabbath.
Lu 14:1-24
91Jesus states to the multitude the difficulties attending a profession
of his religion.
Lu 14:25- 35
92Jesus defends himself against the Pharisees and scribes for
instructing publicans and sinners.
Lu 15:1-32
93Jesus instructs his disciples by the parable of the unjust steward. The
Pharisees are reproved.
Lu 16:1-31
94Jesus further instructs his disciples.Lu 17:1-10
95The Samaritans will not receive Jesus. James and John reproved for
their zeal against them.
Lu 9:51-56
96Jesus cleanses ten lepers.Lu 17:1219
97The Pharisees ask when the kingdom of God should come. Jesus'
Lu 17:20- 37
98Jesus speaks a parable to his disciples, and another to certain who
trusted in themselves that they were righteous.
Lu 18:1-14
99Jesus received into Martha's house.Lu 10:38- 42
100Jesus keeps the feast of dedication at Jerusalem.Joh 10:22-39
101Jesus goes again to Bethabara after the feast of dedication, and
remains there till a fit occasion calls him into Judea.
Joh 10:40-42
102Lazarus raised from the dead. The consequence of this miracle.Joh 11:1-54
103Jesus enters Judea. The Pharisees question him about divorces.Mt 19:1-12Mr 10:1-12
104Jesus lays his hand on young children and blesses them.Mt 19:13-15Mr 10:1316Lu 18:15- 17
105Jesus' discourse in consequence of being asked by a rich man how
he should attain eternal life.
Mt 19:16- 20:16Mr 10:17- 31Lu 18:18- 30
106Jesus, as he is going up to Jerusalem, foretells his sufferings to the
twelve apart.
Mt 20:17-19Mr 10:32- 34Lu 18:31- 34
107The ambitious request of James and John.Mt 20:20-28Mr 10:35- 45
108Jesus restores sight to two men near Jericho.Mt 20:29-34Mr 10:46- 52Lu 18:35- 43
109Jesus visits Zaccheus, a chief of the publicans.Lu 19:2-28
110Jesus arrives at Bethany six days before the passover.Joh 11:55-57, 12:1, 9-11
111Jesus proceeds to Jerusalem amid the acclamations of the disciples
and of the multitude. The transactions there.
Mt 21:1-17Mr 11:1-11Lu 19:29- 44
112The barren fig-tree. The temple cleansed.Mt 21:12-13, 18-19Mr 11:1219
113The disciples observe the fig-tree withered away.Mt 21:20-22Mr 11:20-26
114Jesus' discourse with the chief priests, scribes, and elders in the
Mt 21:23-22:14Mr 11:27-12:12Lu 20:1-19
115The Pharisees and Herodians. The Sadducees and one of the
Pharisees, who was a scribe, question Jesus. Jesus questions
the Pharisees.
Mt 22:15-46Mr 12:12-37Lu 20:20-40
116Jesus, in the hearing of his disciples, and of the multitude, reproves
the scribes and Pharisees to their face with a divine eloquence.
Mt 23:1-39Mr 12:38-40
117Jesus prefers the widow's offering to the gifts of the rich.Mr 12:41-44Lu 21:1-4
118Jesus foretells the destruction of Jerusalem, and distinguishes it
from the final judgment.
Mt 24:1-25:30Mr 13:1-37Lu 21:5-36
119Picture of the final judgment. How Jesus employed himself during
the week.
Mt 25:31-46
120The remaining transactions of the Tuesday preceding the crucifixion.Mt 26:1-16Mr 14:1-11Lu 22:1-6
121Jesus prepares to keep the passover.Mt 26:17-19Mr 14:12-16Lu 22:7-13
122Jesus sits down, with the twelve. There is an ambitious contention
among the twelve.
Mt 26:20Mr 14:17Lu 22:14-18
123Jesus washes the feet of his disciples.Joh 13:1-20
124Jesus foretells that Judas would betray him. The conduct of the
disciples, of Judas.
Mt 26:21-25Mr 14:18-21Lu 22:21-23Joh 13:21-35
125Jesus foretells to the apostles the fall of Peter and their common
Joh 13:36-38
126Jesus institutes the breaking of bread in remembrance of his body
Mt 26:26Mr 14:22Lu 22:191 Cor 11:23-24
127Jesus comforts his disciples.Joh 14:1-31
128Jesus institutes the drinking of wine in remembrance of his blood
Mt 26:27-29Mr 14:23-25Lu 22:201 Cor 11:25
129Jesus resumes his discourse to his disciples.Joh 14:31-16:33
130Jesus' prayer.Joh 17:1-26
131The agony of Jesus in Gethsemane.Mt 26:30, 36-46Mr 14:26, 32-42Lu 22:39- 46Joh 18:1
132The betrayal of Jesus.Joh 18:2-12
133Jesus is brought before Annas and Caiaphas. Peter denies him thrice.Joh 18:13-18, 18: 24-27
134Jesus stands before Caiaphas, and then before the whole Jewish
council. He confesses himself to be the Christ, and is pronounced
guilty of death.
Joh 18:19-23
135Jesus is taken before Pilate.Mt 27:1-14Mr 15:1-5Lu 23:1-5Joh 18:28-38
136Jesus is sent to Herod by Pilate; he is sent back by Herod.Lu 23:6-12
137Pilate seeks to release Jesus.Mt 27:15-23Mr 15:6-14Lu 23:13- 23Joh 18:39-40
138Pilate, having scourged Jesus, and having repeated his attempts to
release him, delivered him to the clamors of the Jews to be crucified.
Mt 27:24-31Mr 15:15- 20Joh 19:1-16
139Repentance and death of Judas.Mt 27:3-10
140Leading forth and crucifixion of Jesus.Mt 27:32-34Mr 15:21- 23Lu 23:21- 33Joh 19:17
141Transactions while Jesus was on the cross till he expired.Mt 27:35-50Mr 15:24- 37Lu 23:33- 46Joh 19:18-30
142Transactions at Jesus' death. Who were present during the crucifixion.
The remaining transactions of the day.
Mt 27:51-61Mr 15:38- 47Lu 23:45,4756
143The transactions on the day after the crucifixion.Mt 27:62-66
144The transactions on the day of the resurrection, before the women
visit the sepulchre.
Mr 16:1
145The women visit the sepulchre the first time.Mt 28:1,5-8Mr 16:2-8Lu 24:1-11Joh 20:1-2
146Peter and John visit the sepulchre.Joh 20:3-10
147Jesus appears first to Mary Magdalene.Joh 20:11-17
148Second appearance of Jesus.Mt 28:9-10Mr 16:10- 11Joh 20:18
149The watch report, and are bribed to silence.Mt 28:11-15
150Jesus, having been seen by Peter, appears to the two disciples who
went to Emmaus.
Mr 16:12-13Lu 24:13-351 Cor 15:5
151Jesus appears to the apostles in the absence of Thomas.1 Cor 15:5Mr 16:14-18Joh 20:19-23
152Jesus again appears to the apostles while Thomas is present.Joh 20:24-29
153The apostles go into Galilee. Jesus appears at the sea of Tiberias.Mt 28:17Joh 21:1-24
154The appearance of Jesus to his disciples in Galilee.Mt 28:18-20
155Other appearances of Jesus.1 Cor 15:6-7Lu 24:50-53
156Ascension of Jesus.Lu 24:50-53


2 thoughts on “”

    • It appears that you are correct, although it also appears that there was a second calling of Peter and Andrew later, at the time when James and John also were called (Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16). I will have to edit this table at some point.


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