"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

The Great Replacement of White Americans

If you are reading this, it is probably because you have seen a group of ours holding up signs in a public demonstration. This page will express the reasons for what we are doing, while answering the questions and objections we believe are most likely to be presented.

Who are you?

We are a small group of white Christians who love our own race, desire to see it preserved, and believe that it is our duty to God to do what we can to preserve it.

What are your public demonstrations about?

The primary purpose of our public demonstrations is to expose the facts of ‘The Great Replacement.’ That is, the reality that white America is both dying off and simultaneously being replaced by tens of millions of people of other races. Our purpose is to wake up white Americans to racial realities and, more importantly, to bring them to repentance and faith in Christ, because we believe that the present diminishing of the White nations of the world is the judgment of God upon them for largely turning from the belief and practice of genuine biblical Christianity to irreligious hedonism, secular humanism (i.e., atheism), alien religions, and counterfeit, man-centered forms of Christianity. The Bible teaches and exemplifies that nations are reduced in population and dispossessed of their land when they rebel against God and we are seeing this play out in modern-day America and the nations of Europe.

Is there really any ‘Great Replacement’ going on? Isn’t that just a conspiracy theory?

You would have to be completely blind to what is happening in the world around you in order to not see that the replacement is a reality. If you have lived in the Atlanta area for twenty years or more, you know that not only is Atlanta itself now populated with a great number of foreigners, but that surrounding towns which were populated almost exclusively by Whites just a few decades ago now are largely composed of Mexicans and Central Americans, Indians and Pakistanis, or East Asians such as Koreans, Cambodians, and Vietnamese. This has extended not just to the nearby suburban towns like Doraville, Chamblee, and Norcross, but even outlying exurbian communities like Duluth, Suwanee, and Cumming. Not only is this happening in and around every major American city but in the smaller cities and even in little rural towns. There is virtually nowhere in America today that is not being invaded by large numbers of non-white immigrants.

Why are you focused on skin color? Does it matter if America becomes less white or even non-white?

It only matters if you are a white person who cares about the future of Americans and America itself. If you are a white American, but have no loyalty to your own people, and you don’t mind that you, your children, and your grandchildren will soon be living in a mongrelized society with a third world civilization if whites don’t fight to reverse the replacement, then it doesn’t matter at all.

Americans today are constantly being bombarded with propaganda telling us that all people are equal. But the difference between the various races of mankind is far more than outward appearance. This is made obvious by the facts of the high degree of white achievement relative to non-whites.

If you were to assemble a library of the best books written for any field of human endeavor, whether that be theology, philosophy, physics, engineering, medicine, architecture, design, or any of the sciences, or if you were to gather a collection of the best works of literature, poetry, painting, sculpture, or any of the arts, or if you were to walk through a museum of the best inventions produced for communication, transportation, manufacturing, energy production and  transmission, or for any other use, what you would have, almost exclusively, is a history of the white race – a history of achievements that do not exist to anywhere near the same degree in any other race of people.

Look at Europe before tens of millions of non-white immigrants were allowed in and look at the state of the countries where these immigrants came from: there is no comparison in terms of the attainments of civilization. We already live in a society that has greatly degenerated from the safe, high-trust, unified culture of past generations and there is every reason to believe that it is going to continue to degenerate as long as immigration from non-white countries continues at its current high level, and white reproduction continues at its current low level. 

Can anyone but whites build and maintain anything equal to Western Civilization? We can say with certainty that no one else has, and we don’t believe that anyone else ever will.

Jesus Christ and his apostles likely were not even white men and the Bible teaches that Christianity is for all tribes, tongues, and nations. Racial exclusivity has no place in Christendom.

The Bible does not specifically speak about the skin color of the Israelites but there are indications that they were fair skinned. David is called “ruddy” (1 Samuel 16:12; 17:42), which means to have a healthy reddish color, and there are references in the Bible to people blushing (Jeremiah 6:15; 8:12, Ezra 9:6). Ruddiness and blushing both refer to the phenomenon of blood showing through the skin, which is something that is only possible in light skinned people.

However, the question of the color of the Israelites’ skin is only a secondary matter not directly related to our positions on race relations. The primary question is whether love for one’s own people, (i.e., one’s own ethnic or racial group) and a preferential exclusivity which is necessary to maintain group distinction, is appropriate or not. The biblical answer is yes. Regardless of their skin tone, we do know that the people of God did express preference for their own people and acted upon it many times in ways that were not sinful.

Both Abraham in the case of his son Isaac (Genesis 24:2-3), and Isaac in the case of his son Jacob (Genesis 28:1-2), insisted that they take wives only from among their own people, even though their kinsmen were separated from them by long distances and were not godly people. Another example is the separation of foreigners by Nehemiah when the Israelites had intermarried with the people of the surrounding nations. The men were commanded to “put away” their foreign wives and, as far as we know, there was no religious test, meaning that there is no exception stated for women who professed to believe in Israel’s God — it was an ethnic separation and a strictly enforced one (Nehemiah 13:25). Jesus Christ said that He had been sent only to the lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 15:24) and commanded His disciples to go first to the Israelites only with the good news of salvation (Matthew 10:5-6). Paul the apostle expressed that he had “great heaviness and continual sorrow” in his heart, and could even wish himself “accursed from Christ” for his “kinsmen according to the flesh, who are Israelites” if it were possible that he could be damned instead of them (Romans 9:1-3). Many other biblical examples could be cited but this will suffice to establish the principle.

None of this means the Bible teaches that God only loves those of a particular race  or that it excludes anyone from salvation based on his ethnicity. On the contrary, it was Jesus Christ who brought in the New Testament which extended the kingdom of God to all nations, and it was Paul whose mission was to be the apostle to the Gentiles (i.e., non-Israelite nations). But the many biblical instances of racial fidelity and loyalty demonstrate that the Israelites and other nations had a particular love for those of their own ethnic group, which is a natural God-given trait that is not in any way sinful and is perfectly appropriate for white American Christians to have today.

So you believe that a country consisting of all whites or almost all whites is going to be some sort of utopia?

Certainly not, if it is an ungodly society. That is why we emphasize a return to biblical Christianity. We believe that it is not possible to have the kind of civilization spoken of above without a revival of true Christianity and a reformation of the church similar to what we saw in Europe during the Protestant Reformation of the 15oo’s to the 1600’s.

In fact, it is really the condition of white people in America that is the problem. Generally speaking, they have become very morally degenerated. Stable families almost have become a thing of the past and white people are not reproducing at levels necessary to replace themselves. Many over the past several decades have killed themselves off through drug and alcohol abuse, and the reproductive dead-ends of same-sex relationships and the widespread use of birth control has contributed greatly to the decline in white population numbers. As it is written “the wages of sin is death” and we are seeing this manifested in white America’s suicidal rebellion against God.

Shouldn’t we be concerned about illegal immigration only? What is wrong with people coming here if they go through the proper legal channels? You can’t really call that an invasion.

Our concern is that our people are being replaced by non-white foreigners and whether this happens by the government turning a blind eye to illegal border crossings (which they certainly could prevent) or through officially sanctioned processes of immigration, is of no concern to us. In fact the “legal” immigration may be worse in that enormous numbers of foreigners are granted the right to remain here permanently and are protected by the governing authorities. It is not only an invasion but one that is being instituted by our own traitorous government officials.

We are also greatly concerned about our people being destroyed through amalgamation with other races. Miscegenation (i.e. racial intermarriage), which used to be illegal in most states of America is now not only tolerated but heavily promoted through our education institutions, television and film productions, consumer product advertising, and other avenues of communication to the masses.

Contrast this with the worry over loss of distinct varieties in the animal kingdom. There is fear that the Cuban Crocodile may go extinct because it can interbreed with the more common American Crocodile, and there is concern that the tiny Kretschmarr Cave Mold Beetle may die out because its population numbers are already very low.

People see it as a noble venture to try to preserve such creatures, and indeed it would be a shame to see them become extinct, but we think that the preservation of a distinct white race is a much more important work and we hope that you agree.

What do you intend to do about what you are calling The Great Replacement?

At this point, we are only trying to bring whites to their senses — waking them up to the danger they face. White people are constantly being marginalized and demonized through the mass media, education institutions, and even by their own government. If you watch television or see any type of advertising today, you can plainly see that white men and their families are becoming almost an endangered species, as blacks and other non-whites are featured to degrees that are far out of proportion to their percentages of the population. There is a deliberate attempt to condition white Americans to accept a lesser position in the nation that their white forefathers founded for their white descendants, and to have them see race replacement and race mixing as the norm.

You say that you are Christians but isn’t what you are advocating racism and therefore sinful?

‘Racism’ is a man-made concept that is not found in the Bible, and in fact did not exist in anyone’s mind until very recently. It is a 20th century invention of Marxists bent on amalgamating the races and destroying national sovereignty by convincing white people that there is something wrong with maintaining the separation that is necessary for the preservation of their race and their nations. Many who profess to be Christians have foolishly bought into this satanic concept, incorporated it into their moral code, and even condemn others according to it, but it certainly is not biblical.

On the contrary, the Bible contains many uncondemned examples of both racial loyalty and racial exclusion (and you cannot have one without the other). Like every generation of both Christians and non-Christians before them, your great-grandparents almost certainly were ‘racists’ who did not approve of racial intermarriage and lived in a segregated society (whether that was official state government policy or not), just like everyone else in the America of their time, and no one ever condemned this as sinful until recent decades.

It is no more sinful partiality to desire that your land be occupied only by those of you own race, than it is sinful partiality to desire that your house be occupied only by those of your own family.

There are ten millions of non-whites in America already and some of them have been here for generations now. Isn’t it unrealistic to think that we can ever return to an America that is 90% white like it was in the 1950’s?

It is unrealistic to expect to do so in a short period of time but it only took a few generations for us to get where we are today in terms of racial makeup and there is no reason to believe that it cannot be reversed within a few generations.

The first step is to restore a sense of solidarity among white people, many of whom have been conditioned to believe that there is something wrong with whites having an affinity and loyalty for their own people, and who have been persuaded that it is evil to practice the corresponding exclusivity that is necessary to maintain racial integrity and cohesion.

The fractured, corrupt, multicultural America we have today didn’t happen overnight and it won’t be undone overnight. We are in this for the long haul.

How can I join you?

At this point, we are just a group of loosely organized friends doing what we can to shine the light on the replacement of our people in our own land. We don’t have a membership process or specific requirements. However, if you are interested in communicating with us for possible future involvement, please use the contact form on this website and someone will get back to you.

Further reading:

The Great Matter: A Presentation of the Foundational Truths of Christianity

A Conversation on Race Between Two Christians

White Christian Men Must Declare Themselves To Be Pro-White

Do White People Have a Future?

4 thoughts on “”

  1. I would have a hard time leaving my sisters in Christ , a diverse group of women who gather for Christian prayer on a regular basis. Are you recommending that I give up these friendships and the Christian bonds that make our lives more meaningful?

    • It’s hard for me to make recommendations without knowing you, your beliefs, what you pray for, or anything about the women you are praying with. However, here are my thoughts on the matter:

      Assuming that you are a true Christian and are praying with your “diverse” friends for things that are lawful and beneficial, then I couldn’t find any fault with your actions of prayer in themselves.

      Nevertheless, there is nothing virtuous about racial diversity in a nation. In fact, a biblical nation consists of a single ethnic group. According to Dr. Bruce Waltke, in his “Old Testament Theology,” a nation, according to Scripture, is defined as:

      (1) a common people; (2) sharing a common history; (3) having a common law; (4) with a common land; and (5) having a ruler from among their own people.

      A multi-racial, multi-cultural society is more akin to an empire, although even empires in the past didn’t always try to eliminate national distinctions or borders between nations, unless they deliberately wanted to weaken them:

      “Esarhaddon was the Assyrian king who resettled Samaria with foreigners after this capital city of the northern kingdom of Israel fell to Assyrian forces in 722 B.C. (Ezra 4:2). This was an example of the Assyrian policy of intermingling cultures in the nations which they conquered to make them weak and compliant.” — Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary (1986), Esarhaddon, page 350

      Though we incessantly hear the mantra “diversity is our strength,” racial diversity is actually a source of weakness, because it creates division and confusion. The people who hold positions of authority over our nation understand this and are using it to divide and conquer the majority white population, so as to weaken resistance and consolidate their own power.

      You might see your little prayer group as being a blessing to you, and it may really be so in some ways, yet such small associations of racially diverse people, when multiplied by the thousands, work toward destruction of one’s nation, and effectively are a recreation of the sinful unity at Babel which resulted in God forcibly dividing humanity into nations. It is true that all Christians are united as one nation in a mystical and spiritual sense (1 Peter 2:9), but that does not at all justify tearing down the national borders and blending away the physical distinctions between races and ethnic groups that have been put in place by God.

      I don’t doubt you when you say, “I would have a hard time leaving my sisters in Christ…” I can sympathize with your reluctance to part from sincere Christian women with whom you have bonded to some extent. However, if you are a white woman, which you most likely are since whites are the ones who most often profess a love of diversity, then my advice to you is that you seek out other women of your own race and join with them in prayer, and I think you should recommend to your non-white friends that they do the same. If anything, this will make your prayers and theirs more meaningful, just as participating in religious devotions with family members, with whom you have a natural bond as you also have with those of your own race, tends to make those events more meaningful. Though it may be painful to separate from sincere sisters in Christ, I believe that in the long run this course of action would be best for them, for you, and for your nation.


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