"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

Video: The Unfaithful Shepherds of Today’s Christian Churches

The Unfaithful Shepherds of Today’s Christian Churches A Call to Repentance The apostasy of the churches, and in particular the infidelity of the modern-day Christian ministry, is the root cause of the disease that has brought Western nations to their present deplorable condition. By failing to take a stand against evil, today’s ministers, and their … Read more

Inside the Mind of the Conspiracy Denier

Inside the Mind of the Conspiracy Denier Part One of a Two Part Series by Stuart DiNenno Why is it that so many otherwise intelligent, thinking Christians refuse to investigate, or even take seriously, reports that wicked men in high places are conspiring to deceive and manipulate the people for the purpose of advancing themselves … Read more

Race Is an Amazingly Versatile Substance

The Amazing Versatility of Race by Stuart DiNenno Race is an amazingly versatile substance. When you need to put it to use, such as when you want to accuse white people of hogging everything for themselves at the expense of other races, then it becomes a genetic reality as solid and immovable as the rock … Read more

Churches That Teach Theology But Fail to Expose Evil Are Only Doing Half the Job

Churches That Teach Theology But Fail ToExpose Evil Are Only Doing Half the Job by Stuart DiNenno A church can faithfully teach you all the facets of theology including bibliology, christology, pneumatology, soteriology, sacramentology, ecclesiology, and eschatology. They can faithfully teach you all about church history beginning with the creation account, the world before and … Read more