"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

If Today’s Churches Are Preaching Genuine Christianity, Then Why Are They Never Persecuted?

If Today’s Churches Are Preaching Genuine Christianity,Then Why Are They Never Persecuted? by Stuart DiNenno Now here is a question that surely reveals the infidelity of the modern-day Christian ministry: If they are preaching genuine biblical Christianity, as they claim, then why are they never persecuted? If we were living in a society that had … Read more

Church of Scotland (1648) Condemning Ministers for Failing to Speak Against the Evil in Their Society

The Church of Scotland Condemning Ministers forFailing to Speak Against the Evil in Their Society Act of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland (August 3, 1648)Censuring Ministers for Their Silence and Not Speaking to the Corruptions of the Time The General Assembly, taking to their serious consideration the great scandals which have lately increased, … Read more

Salvation of the Righteous Necessarily Brings Destruction of the Wicked

Salvation of the Righteous NecessarilyBrings Destruction of the Wicked by Stuart DiNenno “Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness…” (Romans 11:22) The Bible plainly testifies that in the Lord’s accomplishment of the salvation of the godly there is necessarily a corresponding work of the destruction of … Read more

Christians Must Be Careful Not To Become Practicing Egalitarians

Christians Must Be Careful Not ToBecome Practicing Egalitarians by Stuart DiNenno Christians need to be careful to preserve gender roles and not become practicing egalitarians. Good parenting for a husband is sharing in the work by performing the duties according to the role of his sex. Good parenting for a husband is is not sharing … Read more