"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

Abraham Lincoln Was an Infidel

Abraham Lincoln Was an Infidel Ward H. Lamon was a close friend of Abraham Lincoln and his personal bodyguard. In 1872, he wrote a biography about the 16th president, titled “The Life of Abraham Lincoln: From His Birth to His Inauguration as President,” in which he told about Lincoln’s views on the Bible and Christianity. … Read more

Chuck Yeager: We Obeyed the Order to Kill German Civilians

Yeager: We Obeyed the Order to Kill German Civilians American World War II aviator Chuck Yeager stated in his 1986 autobiography that his squadron had received orders to shoot at anything that moved because “Germany was not so easily divided into civilians and military personnel. After all, the farmer in his potato patch nourished German … Read more

Drink Thy Wine with a Merry Heart

Drink Thy Wine with a Merry Heart by Stuart DiNenno There are some among today’s professing Christians who will tell you that it is wrong to consume alcoholic beverages even in small quantities. And if you listen to them, then you will either have to abstain from drinking wine, or you will have to drink … Read more

Is It all Just Coincidental?

Is It all Just Coincidental? by Stuart DiNenno Is it just a coincidence that as white Americans have largely fallen away from Christianity, America has become more racially mixed and White Americans have become accepting of racial intermarriage? Is it just a coincidence that White Americans began accepting sodomite marriages immediately after the point in time … Read more

White Christian Men Must Declare Themselves To Be Pro-White

White Christian Men Must Declare Themselves To Be Pro-White by Stuart DiNenno White Christian men must boldly declare themselves to be pro-white and be willing to fight for their interests, or else they are doomed. White-hating street savages, and the more sophisticated anti-Christian revolutionaries who manipulate them, cannot be appeased, they cannot be made into … Read more