"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

Hitler’s Surprisingly Biblical View of the Role of Women

There comes that eye-opening moment when you discover that the man whom almost every pastor or church elder in America today would (falsely) condemn as one of the most evil men in the history of the world had a more biblical view of gender roles than almost every pastor or church elder in America today, along with a better understanding of how they came to be perverted:

“The slogan ’emancipation of women’ was invented by Jewish intellectuals, and its content was formed by the same spirit. In the really good times of German life, the German woman had no need to emancipate herself. She possessed exactly what nature had given her to administer and preserve; just as the man in his good times had no need to fear that he would be ousted from his position in relation to the woman.

If the man’s world is said to be the State, his struggle, his readiness to devote his powers to the service of the community, then it may perhaps be said that the woman’s is a smaller world. For her world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home. But what would become of the greater world if there were no one to tend and care for the smaller one? How could the greater world survive if there were no one to make the cares of the smaller world the content of their lives?

No, the greater world is built on the foundation of this smaller world. This great world cannot survive if the smaller world is not stable. Providence has entrusted to the woman the cares of that world which is her very own, and only on the basis of this smaller world can the man’s world be formed and built up. The two worlds are not antagonistic. They complement each other, they belong together just as man and woman belong together.

We do not consider it correct for the woman to interfere in the world of the man, in his main sphere. We consider it natural if these two worlds remain distinct. To the one belongs the strength of feeling, the strength of the soul. To the other belongs the strength of vision, of toughness, of decision, and of the willingness to act. In the one case this strength demands the willingness of the woman to risk her life to preserve this important cell and to multiply it, and in the other case it demands from the man the readiness to safeguard life.

The sacrifices which the man makes in the struggle of his nation, the woman makes in the preservation of that nation in individual cases. What the man gives in courage on the battlefield, the woman gives in eternal self-sacrifice, in eternal pain and suffering. Every child that a woman brings into the world is a battle, a battle waged for the existence of her people. And both must therefore mutually value and respect each other when they see that each performs the task that Nature and Providence have ordained. And this mutual respect will necessarily result from this separation of the functions of each.

It is not true, as Jewish intellectuals assert, that respect depends on the overlapping of the spheres of activity of the sexes; this respect demands that neither sex should try to do that which belongs to the sphere of the other. It lies in the last resort in the fact that each knows that the other is doing everything necessary to maintain the whole community. So our women’s movement is for us not something which inscribes on its banner as its program the fight against men, but something which has as its program the common fight together with men. For the new National Socialist national community acquires a firm basis, precisely because we have gained the trust of millions of women as fanatical comrades…

Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women’s movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist women’s movement has but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creature which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle.”

— Adolf Hitler, Speech to the National Socialist Women’s League, September 8, 1934

1 thought on “”

  1. Fascinating, isn’t it? I’m convinced there were true Christians in the NSDAP: Hans Schemm, Gerhard Hahn, Cajus Fabricius were some. There were also neo-pagan apostates such as Kurt Eggers. This would be true in any polity and in any nation. In sum, I think we can learn much from them today:

    “Culture is the expression of a folk’s spiritual bearing. … There is no international culture. For us, there can also be no Christian one. … If culture grows from a folk’s race soul, then religion [or religious expression] is especially determined by race and folk. For culture, in the final sense, is religious reality. … The church today summons for the defense of Christian culture. … Was it not Christianity that, with its rigid, life-alien dogmas, hampered the breakthrough of the National Socialist idea; that labeled us the godless and deniers, only because we wanted to arrange our lives according to the real laws of God and nature? p. 27.”

    ‘God and Folk: Soldierly Affirmation’, Third Reich Original

    “The Christian Church has its faithful pray … but nobody was sanctified because he fulfilled his duty in life, but rather because he fled life and duty. The genuine heroes were burned as heretics. How long yet does the German folk … want to hear the sermon of renunciation? Faith … which does not spring from life itself, is empty, dead faith. p. 55. Two values struggle for power today: love and honor. The church preaches love as the highest value of all virtues. We stand up for honor. … Beyond all talk about the heavenly love the church has forgotten its earthly honor. I speak of the church in general, not Christianity. pp. 56-7. We do not love our enemies. We respect them, if they deserve respect. … Our ideal is not an international self-loving brew of mankind. Our ideal is a world of strong folks, which, internally united, stand in respect toward each other. p. 58. If human beings would just want to affirm struggle more instead of talking about love. If they would just make fighting courage their own instead of becoming ever softer in renouncing love. p. 59.”

    ‘God and Folk: Soldierly Affirmation’, Third Reich Original


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