"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

The Discourses of Jesus Christ in Chronological Order

From the Illustrated New Testament, John S. C. Abbott and Jacob Abbott (1878)

DiscoursePlaceBible Reference
Conversation with Nicodemus.JerusalemJohn 3:1-21
Conversation with the woman of Samaria.SycharJohn 4:1-42
Discourse in the synagogue of Nazareth.NazarethLuke 4:16-31
Sermon on the mount.NazarethMatthew 5:1-7:29
Instruction to the apostles.GalileeMatthew 10:1-11:1
Denunciations against Chorazin, etc.GalileeMatthew 11:20-24
Discourse on occasion of healing the infirm man at Bethesda.JerusalemJohn 5:1-47
Discourse concerning the disciples plucking of corn on the Sabbath.JudeaMatthew 12:1-8
Reputation of his working miracles by the agency of Beelzebub.CapernaumMatthew 12:22-37
Discourse on the bread of life.CapernaumJohn 6:26-71
Discourse about internal purity.CapernaumMatthew 15:1-20
Discourse against giving or taking offence and concerning forgiveness of injuries.CapernaumMatthew 18:1-35
Discourse at the feast of tabernacles.JerusalemJohn 7:14-53
Discourse on occasion of woman taken in adultery.JerusalemJohn 8:1-59
Discourse concerning the sheep.JerusalemJohn 10:1-42
Denunciations against the Scribes and Pharisees.PeraeaLuke 11:29-36
Discourse concerning humility and prudence.GalileeLuke 14:7-14
Directions how to attain heaven.PeraeaMatthew 19:16-30
Discourse concerning his sufferings.JerusalemMatthew 20:17-19
Denunciations against the Pharisees.JerusalemMatthew 23:1-36
Prediction of the destruction of Jerusalem.JerusalemMatthew 24:1-51
The consolatory discourse.JerusalemJohn 15:1-17:26
Discourse as be went to Gethsemane.JerusalemMatthew 26:31-36
Discourse to the disciples before his ascension.JerusalemMatthew 28:16-20


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